Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

18 March 2008

ASB UCF 2008

What is ASB? "Alternative Spring Break (ASB) gives you the opportunity to use your spring break to benefit society. UCF ASB places teams of students in communities around the nation to engage in community service and learn about significant social issues in amazing locations such as New Orleans, Atlanta, Jekyll Island and more..."

Our very first ASB group comes from University of Central Florida and was an amazing group of kids. Their school population is actually larger than the population of Kent County so this was quite an experience for them as well.

Finally I have edited the photos from ASB 2008. With more than 1000 photos, I needed to get below 500 in order to have picasa hold them in one album, not an easy task.

I hope you can see what an amazing time we all had. The week was entirely too short, but we were all exhausted by the end of it.

The week began Sunday evening when the 'kids' arrived at 11:30 pm. We divided them all up and off to bed they went. Up and ready to go by 8am, they set to work quickly, led by Angie, Laura, and Pete. Laird came later to assist as well.

Chris Bartos, curator at the Philadelphia Zoo arrived for lunch, to help, and to give a demo with her dog Finn who will be a part of the Cheetah Conservation Project in Namibia Africa. For those who do not remember, I donated Finn to that program last spring.

Tuesday was more work, then off for a tour of the Sultana, organised by Peter Evans. We then went for dinner at the Evans-Ellis home and were joined by Susanne Craddock and Gayle Folger. Pete gave a tour of the newly completed 'green home' that they live in and the kids had a terrific time and we ate until we hurt :~))

Wednesday found the completion of painting, winding up of wood organization, with guest Steven Prier, our facility veterinarian. The kids gathered wood and sticks for kindling and we had a wonderful bonfire, roasting marshmallows and making s'mores.

Thursday was time to wrap things up and load the kennel with the equipment. We were all tired but pushed through to get the job completed before the sight seeing trip on Friday. Dr Polly Matzinger was our guest for dinner, our pre-med students shared good conversation with her, she is an immunologist with NIH. Mary completed signage for the kennel, including a sign commemorating the trip.

Friday was the trip to DC, although Anh stayed behind with us and we enjoyed a quiet but productive day.

Saturday they headed home and apparently had some adventure.

I miss them all and hope to have them all visit again at some point. This experience was amazing, to quote Steve, "yes, there is hope for our future". I encourage all of you to consider joining is for the next ASB as I do home there will be another!

Special thanks to those of you who donated toilet paper, paper towels, food (home made and purchased) as well as your time.


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