Hi Sarah:
Ben is doing great here! This picture is with daughter Kathleen, age 7 after one of his approximately 2 dozen daily "explosions" of puppy like running and play!
With two older dogs in the 11-12yr range, we figured it might take a little time for them to take Ben under wing. Turns out initial jealousy was very shortlived, now our Alpha male Lab Guinness has a new buddy to hang out, play and they sleep next to each other. The other dog Tiki has always been the loner but she too really gets young at heart with Ben around! Not only has he rejuvenated both dogs, he apparently enjoys being chased by our 'rescue' cat too, and that is one for the Guinness record books!
He loves our frequent trips to Bethany and was amazed by his first beach walk and the ocean waves although he did not take a swim yet. Lastly and most important, he has helped fill a void left by Rudy with Missy as the two of them play together a coule fo times every single day; something I consider 'Priceless'! Thanks to all!
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