Dear Sarah et al.,
I don't see how you do what you do for 30+ dogs!
Phoebe is awesome because of all your love and work, but she's still a major challenge. This week, we've managed to (I hope) conquer potty "training."
We've also been working on heel, sit and stay, which are super-easy, since someone at MABCR has obviously worked with her on that.
The Pheebs' personality is gradually emerging. You're right: She's a funny little dog with a lot of charm.
We're looking forward to obedience training with her--an eventual AKC good citizen ranking--and clicker training and fun agility.
Today we worked on our fear of traffic noise by walking down a busy street for four blocks (inside of mom) during rush hour. We had numerous places to "escape," but didn't need to and got lamb treats, hugs and kisses for our courage.
The Stotlands
Border Collies: World's Smartest Dogs
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