Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

20 May 2008

Adoption Update: MOLLY!!

Molly was one of my recent fosters. She's Border Collie/Pyrenees; I called her my big and beautiful Baby Hughie! It's great to see and hear how wonderfully she is blossoming in her new home.


Molly is great and has really made herself at home with us. She graduated Obedience school - with honors of course - and we are starting another class tonight - the Canine Good Citizens class. I don't know whether she is looking forward to it but I am!
Molly's coat is really beautiful and shiny. I thought her panties would grow more than they are but they are coming in slow but sure. . Her coat is getting a bit longer and the hair on her tummy is coming in a bit. I probably won't have to get her groomed for a while but we did bring her to get her nails clipped a while ago. She was very good and the groomer can't wait to see her again! Molly just got done shedding - she should be bald - she shed so much!
She is a love and loves to snuggle with us. Although, now that it is warmer, she sleeps in the living room right outside our bedroom door - we think she feels comfortable out there and is keeping watch over us. My nephew visited this weekend with his one year old son and Molly was great with the baby. She was by him constantly keeping watch over him too!
We have some pictures but we still have a camera with film - believe it or not! We are going to get our friend to take some pics of her hopefully this weekend so we will send more but I have attached one for you. The gentleman from my office who actually found her on your website for us took it.
Great to hear from you and I hope your new foster dog is doing well!

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