Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

11 August 2008

Adoption Update: Yaya and Nappy (now Sammy and Eddy)

I just came in my office to shoot you an update. I will start with Eddie
He is the biggest love bug! He is on my lap ALL THE TIME. I cant get away from him. He is starting to listen very well. He is a very fast learner. I don't need a leash with him as long as I am with him. Still working on him going outside to go to the bathroom. He went for a boat ride and he loved it.
Eddie and Sammy get along and play together. Sammy even lets Eddie sleep with us... Yes, Eddie sleeps in the bed also and he LOVES to cuddle.
Sammy is working on his social skills and getting much better with Tanner. I got this thing worked out with Sammy, if Sammy growls I put him on the floor
Because the only time he growls now is when he is off the ground (i.e.. bed, chair, couch). Seems to be working. They are both doing great And I am SOOOOOO happy to have both of them I cant imagine how hard it could have been for someone to give them up. They both have a loving home now!
Oh, I never had to give Sammy a benadryl after the first night and he has No more sores on his head. They seem to be very happy and even Kit Kat likes them. She follows them around the yard every time they go out. My camera needs new batteries and I plan on taken care of that today and I will send out some photos. This whole experience has been a pleasure.... The rescue, You, Katy. I really appreciate what you guys do and I am happy that we got a chance to meet. Hopefully once I get these guys perfectly trained I will be able to foster. I will send some photos this weekend.
Talk to you soon,

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