Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

17 June 2009

Adoption Update: Finn

Dear Philly Zoo Friends,

In honor of the 150th Anniversary of the Philly zoo, I wish to congratulate you all for your years of devotion in the field of conservation locally and globally as you have contributed not only to CCF, but to species' conservation and protecting wildlife around the world.

CCF is grateful to be a partner of the Philly Zoo to protect the cheetah and its habitat and I wanted to personally thank you during this momentous milestone for the Zoo. I know you all are aware of our most recent association with Chris Bartos and Finn and the scat-sniffing dog program, well it is remarkable the success we are having here in Namibia thanks to you, your kind donation to CCF and Chris's extraordinary time in training Finn who is doing great!!

Thank you from all of us here at CCF Namibia and congratulations to everyone for 150 years of excellence and service to protecting endangered species around the world.

Cheetah purrs and thanks,


Dr. Laurie Marker, DPhil
Founder/Executive Director
Cheetah Conservation Fund

Please help us save the wild cheetah. Donate Now.
The Cheetah Conservation Fund is supported globally by affiliate non-profit organizations in the United States, United Kingdom, Namibia, Canada, Japan, Holland, Italy and Germany. Visit the 'About CCF' Section on our website to learn more about donating through a local organization supporting CCF at


Cheetah News said...

Hi and thanks for posting this letter! Please note, however, that the link to Donate Now has changed. To visit our Donate page click here now.. Thanks so much! Patricia at CCF

Sarah said...


We are happy to post news about CCF and Finn. He was born in my kitchen, so we are fans!

The link we posted came from Laurie's signature, so she may want to update as well!!

Thanks for the update!
