Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

01 September 2010

We need you now, more than ever before!

Most of you are not aware of how the economy has changed what we do.

No longer are we trolling shelters for dogs, we turn away 100 each month.
No longer are dogs getting adopted at a rate of 9 or 10 each month, last month we adopted out two.

No longer can we make improvements or repairs with careful planning, we now struggle simply to pay the bills and hope the repairs can wait until we have funding again.

No longer can we count on the generosity of grantors, we count on the individual donations of our supporters, and even the smallest of donations gives us hope.

Now more than ever we need you, and your support, be it financial or physical. Assisting with events like these, or volunteering time at the farm, or fostering, or fundraising is more important to our survival than ever. In a low point this month, I struggled with the fear that if things didn’t change, we may cease to exist. With your help, we can continue to fight the good fight.

Please consider volunteering your time, or donating. You will make a difference!

for more information, please contact me directly.

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