Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

22 June 2011

Adoption Update: Bella


We would like to thank you again for introducing us to Bella. She is an incredible dog. We have pretty well learned each other's schedules and body language. She wants to be with either of us whatever we are doing. She loves to be outside anytime either of us are out. We do a lot with our golf carts, and after being wary at first, she is now first on the seat whenever she sees us heading that way. 

When Judy works in the garden she is very happy to sit/lay on the seat while she waits.  Judy usually keeps her on a long leash so she can get off and do whatever she wants. My morning ritual is get dressed, Have a glass of orange juice, Then go for the news paper. Golf cart, (long lane) Bells watches me, and is at the door before me. She sits tight against me with my arm around her and we start out with her head across my chest. Once underway her nose takes over and she smells and watches the world.  Happy as a clam!

She doesn't bark, ( since we have her Judy has heard 3 woofs)  She greets everyone like an old friend, stranger and family alike. At first I think she would go away with anyone. Now she knows who her Mommy and Daddy are.  She loves other dogs, our cats, ignores our 4 resident indian runner ducks, ignores the chickens and guineas.  She loves to run, we make an effort to play with her and run her between un on the lawn. She gets to tearing around like a crazy nut. She will run a lap or so then flop down and roll over on her back. Laying on her back is a favorite position. (rub my belly!!!) then up and run some more.

When we have to run errands she is very content to be in her crate, where she sleeps also. Laying on her back on top of me on my recliner is another favorite spot. We take naps this way also (until my arm goes to sleep). Needless to say Bella is a big part of our lives. And we enjoy her very much. Judy and I thank you all very much for helping us find this very special young lady.

David and Judy 


Lori M. Carter said...

What a sweet story. Enjoy your Bella! We just had to put our Border Collie down (nearly 15). So, I'm enjoying reading about others until we are ready for a new girl. Congratulations!

Lori M. Carter said...

Congratulations on your new Bella! We just had to put our Border Collie down (nearly 14 years old) and I'm enjoying seeing other Border Collies until we are ready for a new girl. Congrats! Very sweet story.