Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

05 April 2010

Adoption Update: Chaz (and Piper!)


Chaz is a scream and my kids are both enjoying both he and Piper. Last night, I had washed a second dog bed and bringing it to my bedroom, laid it atop the one lying there until I could put it in the closet. Several minutes later, the kids are calling for Chaz and all I see from the dogbed is a little tail sticking out from between the 2 beds, wagging like crazy. He had wedged himself between the 2 dogbeds! I just fell out laughing. I made the kids find him and once found, he tore around the house like the funny little man he is. He (like most dogs) has a really funny sense of humor! Also, he loves to play with the kids' feet under the covers. Heretofore, Piper was always the play instigator. Now however, Chaz is coming into his own (growls at Piper when he's had enough) and will jump on their beds and wait for movement. He makes me laugh at least 5x a day. Piper too is a much like Star sometimes, it makes me cry. But it is a glad cry and I am grateful to you and all who made it possible to bring them both to us--

Always, gratefully,


1 comment:

Casey Boehmer said...

That's so wonderful to hear that they're doing do well. I was Chaz's foster home before you adopted him and he often snuck under Mavericks bed (which when upsidedown is like a little cave) and he would jump out at Maverick when he wasn't paying attention. Sometimes he would sit on it and let Maverick drag him around the house. It's good to hear that he's settled in nicely to your home, he's a crazy little thing i miss him!!!