Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

30 August 2011

Update on the August Eight

Yesterday was the start of recovery from Irene. One of the nice things about hurricanes is the after winds do a lot to dry out the grass and such where water is not laying. So, lucky for the puppies, it was dry enough for them to have their first adventure outside.

Oh yes, they are wicked, wicked cute. But, boy oh boy can the POOP!!! So, while they were enjoying their introduction to grass and fresh air, I cleaned and made ready for them to come back inside. And when they did, they came back to nice clean crates, lunch, and naptime!

Soooo sleepy....

This morning they knew what the grass was about instantly! So cute, they love the outside. It will be really nice when they are big enough to be outside all day.

I am sure more updates will come! Thank you again for the financial donations. It is truly wonderful to not have to worry so much about caring for these little guys. For those of you who prefer to donate hard goods, we will be in need of bleach, meat based puppy food, and gently used towels. We could use some assistance with cleaning and socialising. If you are interested, please contact me directly. For now, adults only please.

Hope you all enjoy the videos. I will take more as time passes!

As a quick Irene update, we made it through ok, but could use some help with clean up if you are able bodied and don't mind things like stick pickup!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puppy Paws, how cute is that! Going on a quest for more towels.
Chris (Tuli's Person)