Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

23 May 2011

Nice Surprises

I don't get away much. Don't get me wrong, I go out to dinner, see friends, visit people and such, but it isn't often I can get away overnight, and getting away for multiple days happens only occasionally. A few months ago I started planning to visit the Bluegrass Stockdog Trial in Lexington Kentucky. This trial is one of the most prestigious trials in the country and competitors from all across the US come together to compete on an amazing trial field. I had friends who were competing and we thought it would be fun to meet up there.

My trip came together surprisingly easily, the stars aligned and with the help of three sets of volunteers (Yes, it does take a village!) I left the farm for 6 days. Wowee-zowee, if that was not a treat! I watched dogs work, hung out with friends, played with puppies and generally had a wonderful time. I have almost two thousand photos for the week and will be posting some of them on my personal blog later in the week.

I arrived home at 2am this morning and was immediately struck by the odd sound the kennel room fan was making. I thought maybe it had been moved, but then realised that the noise it was making was not normal and it needed to be looked at. I stuck my head in the door and turned on the light, but the fan wasn't there at all, and the noise was louder than ever. I walked into the kennel area and immediately noticed a new addition to the room:

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In my absence, our wonderful vet David and his wife Laura (they were here caring for the dogs for four of the days I was gone) installed a beautiful new exhaust fan for the dogs. The fan has already made a huge difference in the air quality in the room, I am so excited and our dogs are very, very grateful.

I cannot express how wonderful it was to come home to such a nice surprise. I think maybe I should start planning my next trip away...

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