Dog Days

Dog Days at Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue

15 February 2014

Dear Sarah:

It is so hard to believe that it has only been a year since we first met you and Speck. So much has happened and we are so proud of how far Speck has come and the dog he is turning into.

When we first brought him home he was afraid of the stairs and now he bounds up them 2 at a time.  

When we first brought him home our hardwood and tile floors were slippery and scary now his new favorite game is to pull on a rope and then be swung around and let go so that he slides backwards across the tile floor in the basement.  Only to run back, tail wagging, rope in your face so that you can do it again!

And while the year has been filled with so many achievements it has not always been easy. We have had to learn as much about Speck as he has had to learn about us. Speck is anxious around other dogs so we try to avoid contact with other dogs. He can also be skittish around new people so we are very cautious around new people until we see how he is reacting. Occasionally, he will walk right up to someone and is clearly comfortable as he looks at them like “why are you not petting me? ”

We are constantly amazed at how smart he is. He LOVES agility training.  Our dog trainer says he is fearless and he flies across the dog walk, scrambles up and down the A-Frame, walks across the teeter-totter, loves the tunnel and jumps the jumps. He has hardly hesitated when crossing any of the obstacles.
One thing that hasn’t changed during the year is that Speck is still very affectionate with us, loves to hear laughter and will crawl onto our laps if it means belly rubs.

We have all worked hard this year but when he greets us at the door after a long day with a huge smile on his face, full of doggy-kisses wanting only for you to pet his belly or when he snuggles in bed with us in the morning so excited to start the day’s adventure we know that our lives have been completely enriched with Speck as part of our family. 

We have included a few of our favorite pictures of him from our first year together.

Pam and John

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